Dropped ChocoHax 1.8.4



Chocolate CEO
Staff member
Jun 20, 2021
ChocoHax 1.8.4 - Changelog

A thanks to all those who partecipated in that update, shared their idea and tested it.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the anticheat to not detect certain menus properly.
  • Fixed false positives in weaponsProtection_antiaimbot caused by the stun gun.

  • Improved detections for weaponsProtection_use (Kill All, Stun All, etc.).
  • Added Server Protection Misc: At regular intervals, the server will be checked for any suspicious player activities, such as Godmode, Health, Armour, and more.
    It also includes an additional weapon check to prevent players from bypassing the anticheat. For more information, please refer to the config page.
  • Server Protection now includes a new permission (serverBypass) that allows players to bypass the checks. You can find it on the Permissions page.

  • Removed the deprecated setting settings_permissionsmode
  • Added settings_panel and settings_exports to the Settings page.
    settings_panel is set to Localhost Only by default. Remember to change it if you want to use the panel on a different device, such as your PC or phone.
    settings_exports is currently in testing and will be useful for external scripts in the future. It is disabled by default for now.

  • Client Side detection has undergone a significant update. With the help of our support team, we have improved the detection rate by re-enabling some detections that were previously restricted due to false positives. Now, client_antifreecam, client_antithermalvision, client_antinightvision, etc. can be set to warn, kick, ban, or block no detection log.
  • Added client_antinoclip: Detects if a player is flying around the map. To avoid false positives, it will only detect if the player has been flying for an extended period at a certain speed.
  • client_antiexecutor and client_heartbeat are still not recommended for use as they may cause false positives or performance issues without any real benefit.
    Future improvements will be made if necessary.

  • Added chocolog_warninglimit to the Log System page. This setting allows you to set a limit on the number of warnings a player can receive before getting kicked. Setting it to 0 disables this feature. It can be useful when utilizing a feature that may produce false positives but is also effective in detecting cheaters (e.g., client_antinoclip).
  • Updated ESX Money Checks to be compatible with the latest version of es_extended.
  • Improved the detection rate of cheat-induced Explosions. It will now detect even more cheats but may also increase the rate of false positives. If you experience false positives, you can disable this feature and wait for a fix.
  • Added command: backdoorblocker (install, uninstall, test, check). This feature will help you keep your server safe from backdoors.

    Usage: Once installed using the "backdoorblocker install" command and the server is restarted, all scripts will be protected from any connections or requests from the most common backdoors. It is the improved version of the free anti-backdoor, made simpler to use and kept up to date.

    Please note that this function may NOT be compatible with all servers, and I am currently working on finding a solution to make it compatible.

    Why is our anti-backdoor better? The system used by ChocoHax is less invasive than the procedures used by other anticheat developers, making it less destructive overall. It is also very easy to uninstall, and in case of any issues, it can be completely removed with an artifact update.

    I recommend scanning your server and installing it if compatible: It consumes 0 resources and does not create problems with other scripts.
    The check and test command can be used to check if the anti backdoor is installed and if it's able to block malicious requests creating a fake one from the current resource.
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